What can happen in 80 days? Well, according to Jules Verne you can travel around the world in 80 days.
Nowadays it takes less to travel from point A to point B. It took exactly 1h 35min to travel from Vilnius to Copenhagen. And Copenhagen airport was that point B where my emigration started.
A little everyday makes a lot at the end… That’s not my case – so you are going to get this 80 days wrap-up instead, and actually there is no need in doing “blog job” everyday due to my addiction on facebook’ing almost every day of my life.
When you are as unorganized person as I am you have to deal with one thing, and I got used to it –
you don’t sleep before the flight, especially if the flight is early in the morning. Of course it was the same with this flight… And everything would have been perfect if everything had gone like it was planned, but, let’s face it – it never goes as it is planned…
But, no planes were missed and train I took went to the right direction, so considering my luck – I was pretty lucky on my first day in Denmark. On the same “lucky” day I walked around the train station 3 times searching for the bus stop, carried my 20kg + 8kg luggage 3km to get the keys from my new “home sweet home” and spent 18 euro on a taxi journey (4km) back. My “home sweet home” looked as I expected with NO furniture in my room at all, so I went to IKEA, bought 15kg mattress, brought it to my room and fell dead asleep.
The next 3 days weren’t that fascinating. Acclimatization process wasn’t hard – I just needed to understand that Lidl is the only affordable shop and eggs are not the cheapest protein source in Denmark.
The reason I came to Denmark in the beginning of August was my Danish language courses. I wasn’t naïve enough to believe that 2 weeks will be a sufficient time to reach beginner’s level, but I couldn’t expect that all I will be able to say will be: “Jeg kan ikke tale Dansk”, what means “I don’t speak Danish”. If you are interested in what Askov language school was like, I would say it was an all inclusive holidays with people you admire, 3 meals per day, sport activities and entertainment covered from the moment you arrive to the time you go back. The problem was I wasn’t going back, I was going father. Technically I was going back to Odense, practically there was nothing there.
It all started very quickly, a huge amount of international students, greeted by Her Royal Highness Princess Marie, chose 3 courses and started 2 years way towards their Master’s degree. And here my first plan failed – I wanted to study Finance, but after a week of classes I understood that I don’t understand a thing there. Socrates would be happy with this, but not me – I changed Finance to Strategy and Organization. I can’t say I am happy now, but after Finance it’s a relief.
At the same time the 2010 FIBA World Championship was going on, and I can’t not mention that Lithuanians finally reached semi-final and after loosing only one game to USA brought World Championship bronze medals home. That was one of the happiest days for the whole Lithuania and for me as well.
Second failed plan was finding a job. After visiting all hotels in Odense and submitting dozens online applications it became clear that it’s almost impossible to get a job without knowing Danish. At this point you can reread about my astonishing “success” in learning Danish and figure out that I am still unemployed.
My third plan was to go to the seaside and to see the lighthouse. That one I failed partly. I reached the sea quite easily, but turned wrong and haven’t seen the lighthouse on my first trip. But, there were 4 trips to the sea, twice to the lighthouse – and I can tell you, that those 80km trips are worth every km.
On the 1st of October the best thing since I came happened – Sina came to spend a weekend here with me. She spent 3 nights on my floor, saying that she hasn’t slept that good for a long time. She left from Copenhagen train station, and that was one of those moments, when you want to be the one, who is leaving, but not staying. Well, technically I left to Odense, practically I stayed in Denmark –
in Denmark – the happiest place on Earth...